Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.


World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (TDWG)
  • TurkeyLevel 4
  • TurkeyLevel 3
  • Western AsiaLevel 2
  • Asia-TemperateLevel 1
  • Kurdist. Turc. distr. Hakkiari: mons Siares prope pagum Hašitha dit. Gulamerik, ad Phlomidis sp.?Description
  • -Note
  • 1750 mAltitude from
  • 1750 mAltitude to
  • 19 Jun 1910Date of collection
  • 37.3166666667° N, 43.4333333333° ECoordinates

Revision history

Identification Name Date By
ORIGINAL Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers. Aug 1914 F. Nábělek


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